Nichomi Higgins is a licensed behavioral health professional and seasoned leader who champions passionately for the mental and emotional health and well-being of professional women of color in corporate and entrepreneurial spaces.

Nichomi founded SolCentered Life to equip driven women with the tools and support needed to become the most harmonious, spiritually aligned, and truly confident version of themselves in life, leadership, and business. Nichomi has traveled extensively, sharing her detailed road map to activate a deeper understanding of self and the kind of self-mastery that inspires more fulfilling careers and purposeful lives.

Through the use of humor and story-telling, Nichomi speaks to educate, empower and evoke connection. More importantly, she speaks to ignite that powerful moment of A-ha!

As a holistic therapist & coach Nichomi creates spaces for powerful women to break free from the doubt keeping them from launching into the next spiritually attuned level of their lives and careers.

Connect with Nichomi Higgins.
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