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~ Empowering Women Entrepreneurs ~





- Brand photography

Brittney Jean

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Photography & Company

How To Set Goals For The New Year

My husband, Andrew, and I have started a tradition, where we ring in the New Year away from the hustle and bustle and book a beautiful place we can relax, reflect and set goals for the new year. Here’s where we stayed and how my goal plans for the new year. 

Location is everything

The Air BnB

Booking a nice space sets the tone for your creativity.

We booked a two-night stay at this beautiful guesthouse in Malibu. We had a nice dinner at Geoffrey’s in Malibu on New Year’s Eve.

View the space here.


Gratitude for the past

I like to think back and share with Andrew what great things happened in the year and what I am proud of. Sharing fun and proud moments help me put things in perspective even if I didn’t quite hit a goal. 

Unplug from the noise

Quiet Time

I like to take a break from social media. Because I have trained my VA and pre-planned social media content, I get to still “show up” when taking a much-needed break from social media. Be present at the moment and watch your creativity rise.

Write & Dream Big

Set Goals 

Write out (S.M.A.R.T) goals in a journal and write down when you’d like to achieve them and the steps to take to achieve them. This will help you take action faster and more confidently on your goals. Don’t forget to write out the impact you’ll have and the change you’ll make for others. Going back to your why when looking at your goals will help you take action on the big goals you’ve set.

Be your biggest cheerleader

Write a letter to yourself

I like writing a letter to myself and opening it on the last day of the year. It’s amazing to look back on what I’ve accomplished, and the experiences I created and have gratitude for the good times and even the tough times. You are your biggest cheerleader and believer, so write your deepest most biggest goals you will achieve in the new year. You’ll be quite surprised at how much you achieved and or grew when looking back.

This year some of my goals are to: 

  1. Impact 1,000+ women in business through our free content, photography services, coaching, and speaking engagements.
  2. Join a non-profit organization I truly believe in and feel connected to that supports girls and women to become leaders in their community, to give back my time, and to sponsor with generous financial donations.
  3. Double our business revenue by running Facebook and Instagram ad campaigns every month to generate 2x’s or more leads.
  4. Hire a marketing assistant to help manage our marketing strategies so I can focus on creating new ideas, and events, hiring talented photographers, and maintaining and developing strategic relationships.
  5. Book out my team of photographers: Danya and Alyssa with 2-3 clients each every month through monthly Facebook ads and weekly valuable email marketing.
  6. Continue to coach photographers 1:1 and in group settings. (One of my wedding photographer clients sent me a text on New Year’s Eve saying she booked $12k in photography clients in December and gave props to my coaching).
  7. Lose 15 lbs by April 20223 and keep it off by tracking my macros, limiting my sweet tooth treats to 3x’s a week, drinking half my body weight in water every day, and moving my body for 30mins every day or more.

What are some of your goals this year? I’d love to know and I’d love to help keep you accountable. 

If you need help with your business and brand, I’m just one email away! 

Our mission is to help women in service-based businesses grow purposeful and profitable businesses through personal brand photography and to help photographers go from “starving artists to confident full-time photography CEOs.”

I hope you have a beautiful, healthy, and joyful new year! Remember life happens FOR YOU, not to you! 

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Brittney Jean Photography