Rebekah, is the owner of RB Spa & Beauty in Long Beach. She came to me to help guide her into her new transition and in her business. Rebekah is well-known in the Long Beach area for her calming, peaceful, and inviting atmosphere. She’s also very knowledgeable in holistic skincare. Bonus: I had been looking for someone to trust with my acne-prone adult skin and it was perfect timing that Rebekah reached out. I also love the fact that she’s right down the street from me and I have to say she has helped my skin look the BEST it has in years… I’m talking yearsss!
And I’m obsessed with her one year old daughter, Willa. She is the most out-going, happy and inviting toddler I’ve ever met!
Rebekah was so much fun to work with and we were able to get some great behind the scenes images of her business, new treatment room, products and lifestyle images that expressed her personality.

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